Palm Jaggery suppliers Madurai - Lotusexports

lotus produces 100% Organic and Pure Palm Jaggery. Authentic Palm jaggery is the most salubrious and nutrient-rich variety of raw jaggery. It is prepared from palm tree pericope and is loaded with minerals and vitamins. jaggery is a natural sweetener and Energy Food, it is very rich in minerals, predominantly iron with traces of other mineral salts. The benefits of palm jaggery include its worthiness to cleanse your body, act as a digestive agent, sweeten your supplies in a healthy manner, provide good amounts of minerals.

Karupatti Palm Jaggery exporters Madurai is an organic nutritious sweetener, used to prevent/postpone diabetes when replaced with white sugar and Sugarcane Sugar. It is a ready-use pebbles self-ruling Jaggery widely known for its medicinal properties used in Ayurvedic and home remedies. Its 23 nutrients and chocolate-like flavor make it a natural volitional for health drink fit for newborn to weather-beaten people.

Jaggery is enriched with iron and some essential nutrients such as magnesium and potassium. It can be used to make candies, toffees, jaggery cakes and many other sweet dishes. This can be used instead of sugar. Palm Jaggery has increased nutritional value than sugar. This is rich in vitamin B complex, calcium and moreover the source of ascorbic acid. And moreover contains fibers and Sucrose. Palm Jaggery is Popularly used in the southern states expressly Tamil Nadu. Palm Jaggery is Unrefined and does not contain any synthetic additives and preservatives.

Karupatti Palm Jaggery exporters Madurai is prepared in a natural way, without the removal of minerals, vitamins, and dietary fibers. It speeds up the digestion by vitalizing the digestive enzymes. It itself changes to acetic wounding in the stomach, resulting in smooth digestion. Palm jaggery reduces the strain on the digestive tract and intestines, thereby stimulating exenterate movements and relieves constipation.

Jaggery is cleaning your person organs such as respiratory tract, intestines, lungs, stomach and helps to well-spoken the toxins from the body. 2 to 3 grams usage per day gives you a healthy living.For more details visit==>


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